Presentation at the January Executive Council Meeting

By Rowan Larson, Province I representative to the UTO Board

At the end of January, I found myself presenting to the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church. I wasn’t there on behalf of UTO, but speaking from my experiences as a non-binary, trans, queer priest. 

While most of our church signs still say, “All are welcome,” I, and many other trans, non-binary, and queer Episcopalians have not always found that welcome. There are exceptions, of course, but even in some of the most liberal dioceses, my siblings in ministry and I have heard, “the church isn’t ready for you yet.”

I opened our time with Executive Council with an educational presentation that addressed why learning about transgender and non-binary people and their experiences matters, introducing the spectrums of sexuality and gender beyond the binary, and setting the stage for open dialogue by breaking down barriers to mutual understanding by making sure everyone had the same vocabulary to use.

While sessions of the Executive Council are not recorded, the Episcopal News Service published a great article on our presentation and testimony.  

I am so grateful that Juila Ayala Harris and the Rev. Charles Graves IV, members of Executive Council, reached out to TransEpiscopal and invited us to speak. Julia and Charles sensed that those who had ears, as Jesus put it, were ready to listen. I pray that what we brought to the highest leadership body of the church was heard and that we, as a church, can continue making progress on making sure that all are truly welcome across the wide diversity of The Episcopal Church.