UTO Grant Deadlines Approaching

The final deadline to turn in a UTO Grant application is Friday, March 6, at 5 p.m. Eastern time. The UTO Board highly recommends that all grant writers ask questions if they are not certain about something. Pay close attention to the “Helpful Hints” page that was issued with the applications to help guide you as you prepare your application.

UTO Staff Officer the Rev. Canon Heather Melton is available to answer questions and provide editorial assistance with your application. She can be reached at hmelton@episcopalchurch.org. She will review your application and provide comments a maximum of five times, and only until February 1. From February 1 to February 21, she will review your budget and give advice regarding criteria issues. From February 21 to February 28, she will review your application for completeness only. Due to the large number of incoming applications, she is unable to provide help after February 28, so we recommend that you submit your application as early as possible.

The most important consideration for the UTO Board when reviewing applications is how closely a project fulfills the set focus for that year. Keep this important fact in mind when answering the questions. We recommend consulting https://episcopalchurch.org/evangelism-initiatives and reading the toolkit section to learn more about how The Episcopal Church defines evangelism.

Instructions for submitting your application can be found here. Be sure that all required signatures are in place. We do not accept handwritten answers. All applications will be reviewed as objectively and quickly as possible, and the UTO Board asks for your patience during this process. All decisions must be approved by Executive Council, which meets June 8-11. The UTO Board anticipates sending out letters, via email, regarding the status of applications shortly after that. Emails will be sent to those who are listed on the first page of the application, so be sure all individuals who need to be notified are listed there.

The United Thank Offering Board wishes to thank all who participate in UTO. Your blessings do become blessings for others. We also want to express our appreciation for everyone who has or will submit an application. We are deeply aware that each project represents dedicated Christians who are committed to spreading the kingdom of God on earth.