Episcopal Campus Ministry Leaders Gather

Do you know who your Provincial Coordinator for Campus Ministry is? Tasked with advising, resourcing, connecting and advocating on behalf of campus ministers, they are indispensable to the Campus Ministry Network of the Episcopal Church…and they’re volunteers.

Every November, Episcopal Young Adult and Campus Ministries gathers the Provincial Coordinators for Campus Ministry in New York for 3 days at the Episcopal Church Center to evaluate the year past, to explore the current trends, challenges and opportunities on college campuses, and to plan for the year to come.

But we also bring them together to thank them for their service. Like many provincial officers, these positions were once paid, but now as volunteers, most of whom work full time as Campus Ministers in their own context, their work has become more important than ever. We count on these eight individuals to be the first line of defense (or resource) for campus ministers and dioceses. They are able to be pastoral and present, to give direction and guidance, and to listen carefully in incredible ways that make the ministers and the churchwide office more effective.

This week we will gather our newest group of Provincial Coordinators for Campus Ministry in New York for three days of prayer, exploration and visioning for the future of Campus Ministry in the Episcopal Church. We ask that you hold us in prayer and look to these incredible individuals as the leaders they are in our Campus Ministry Network.  The Provincial Coordinators for Campus Ministry are:

Province 1: The Rev. Dr. Cameron Partridge, Boston University
Dioceses: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Western Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont

Province 2: The Rev. Gregory Bezilla, Rutgers University
Dioceses: New Jersey, Newark, New York, Long Island, Albany, Central New York, Rochester, Western New York, Haiti, US Virgin Islands, Convocation Churches of Europe

Province 3: The Rev. Peter Antoci, University of Maryland
Dioceses: Washington, D.C., Delaware, Easton, Maryland, Bethlehem, Central Pennsylvania, Northwest Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Virginia, West Virginia, Southern Virginia, Southwest Virginia

Province 4: The Rev. Dann Brown, University of Georgia
Dioceses: Mississippi, Louisana, Central Gulf Coast, Alabama, Florida, Central Florida, Southwest Florida, Southeast Florida, Georgia, Atlanta, South Carolina, Upper South Carolina, East North Carolina, North Carolina, Western North Carolina, East Tennessee, Tennessee, West Tennessee, Kentucky, Lexington

Province 5: The Rev. Reid Hamilton, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Dioceses: Missouri, Quincy, Springfield, Chicago, Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, Eau Claire, Northern Michigan, Western Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Michigan, Ohio, Southern Ohio, Nothern Indiana, Indianapolis

Province 6: The Rev. Sally Maxwell, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Dioceses: Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming

Province 7: The Rev. Michael S. Bell, Diocese of Kansas
Dioceses: Arkansas, Kansas, Western Kansas, Western Louisiana, West Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Northwest Texas, Fort Worth, Dallas, West Texas, Rio Grande

Province 8: The Rev. Jocelynn Jurkovich-Hughes, University of California, Davis
Dioceses: Arizona, California, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Joaquin, El Camino Real, Northern California, Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Spokane, Olympia, Taiwan

Province 9: Vacant
Dioceses: Colombia, Domincan Republic, Ecuador Central, Ecuador Litoral, Honduras, Venezuela, Puerto Rico

We are entering a new phase of life in Episcopal Campus Ministries, but we do so with great hope and excitement for the new things God is doing with this generation.

Filed under: Campus, Office Communications