Guest Blogging

We want to tell your story! But we know you will want some parameters or “best practices” on what and how to write or record. Here are some suggestions:

Topic: What is timely? What story can you tell that is both unique to you and yet universal enough that others can relate? What is your passion? If you are a minister, how has Young Adult and/or Campus Ministries been a transformative factor in the spiritual journey of those young adults among whom you minister? If you are a young adult, what experiences or encounters have shaped your spiritual journey? What is your experience as a part of the Jesus Movement and how can it inspire others?

Length: Keep your post to roughly 300-500 words in length OR if you are submitting a video blog/vlog please make sure it is not longer than 3 minutes.

Style: Reflections should be geared toward young adults, but keep in mind that readership will be broader than that. Try to write/speak in an inclusive manner, staying true to your experience and expression of God in your life. If you wish to include a prayer, you may. If it is written by someone else, please make sure and attribute it by citing the book/website/resource and author.

Visuals: If you are submitting a written piece, it is great if you can also send along a photo or video. Blogging is as much a visual platform as it is a text-driven one. Also, bolding and italicizing and lists make the post more visually appealing.

Headers/Titles: Suggest a catchy, clever title and a few subtitles. Breaking up the story helps catch the reader’s eye.

Bio: Please include your biographical information, including a photo.

As you would expect, we reserve the right to refuse publication and to edit for length, style, headers, etc. However, we will ALWAYS give you final review before a post is published.

If you have any questions or want to submit a post, The Rev. Shannon Kelly.