Young Adult and Campus Ministry 2018 Grant Process

Starting January 2, 2018, the Episcopal Church will invite applications for grants to assist with ministries with Young Adult and Campus Ministries throughout the church. This will be a three-step process:

  1. Grant Discernment and Planning (download the pdf)
  2. Completing the Grant Application (download the Word doc), and
  3. Submitting the application online.

We hope this process is an invitation for you and your community to consider how Young Adult and Campus Ministry in the Episcopal Church can minister with young adults on and off college campuses, including Community Colleges and Tribal College Campuses, non-traditional degree programs, in the military, and those who are not in college. This process is designed to help you discern where and how God is calling your community to serve young adults and whether now is the right time to apply for a grant. Download a pdf describing the grants process.


A webinar was held in mid-December to discuss the grants process and answer any questions. Click here to view the webinar on our youtube channel. Click here for the powerpoint used during the webinar.


These grants are intended to provide funding for an Episcopal ministry (or ecumenical ministry with an Episcopal presence) in a diocese, congregation or community college/tribal college/university campus that is currently engaging in or seeking a new relationship with young adults on and off college campuses.


  • October: Grant requirements and application on website and social media
  • December 7, 4 pm Eastern: Grant process webinar
  • January 2: Online application goes live
  • February 2: Application window closes
  • February 3-16: Grant applications read and assessed by team of reviewers
  • February 17-28: Grant reviewers meet to discern and create recommendations for Executive Council
  • March 5: Recommendations to Executive Council
  • April 21-23: Executive Council meeting
  • April 25-27: Letters for success grant applications prepared and mailed
  • April 30: Grants announced

Amount, Duration, and Categories of Grants

These grants are for the 2018-19 academic year. A total of $138,000 is available for the 2018-2019 cycle, with a total of $400,000 available for the triennium.

There are four categories of grants:

  • Leadership Grant: to establish a new, restore a dormant, or reenergize a current campus ministry. Grant will range from $20-30,000 and can be used over a two-year period.
  • Campus Ministry Grants: to provide seed money to assist in the start-up of new, innovative campus ministries or to enhance a current ministry. Grants will range from $3-5,000.
  • Young Adult Ministry Grants: to provide seed money to assist in the start-up of new, innovative young adult ministries or to enhance a current ministry. Grants range from $3-5,000. 
  • Project Grants: to provide money for a one-time project that will enhance and impact the campus or young adult ministry. Grants $100-1,000.

Selection Criteria

Projects must:

  • be received on or before February 2, 2018 by 10 pm Eastern time.
  • be no more than five pages in length (which includes the summary page, description, goals, and evaluation and continuation of ministry), include the budget worksheet (no more than two pages long), and follow the grant format. (total application should be no more than 7 pages)
  • be submitted online. If you cannot submit the application online, please contact us before February 2 to make other arrangements.
  • show how the diocese, congregation, and/or ministry will continue to support the ministry at the end of the grant term. (if applicable)
  • be approved by the bishop of the diocese in which the ministry is to be located. Each diocese that receives a grant shall appoint someone to oversee the grant and make appropriate financial reports to The Episcopal Church and the Office of Young Adult and Campus Ministries.

Selection Preferences

In addition to the above criteria, the selection process will also reflect several preferences. Though these are not requirements, we will give preference to projects that:

  • are collaborative and bring members of the community together.
  • bring new learning into a community.
  • prepare young adults for leadership and/or provide training for young adults.
  • reach those who are traditionally least likely to seek out a campus ministry or other Episcopal young adult ministry.
  • address the priorities of General Convention.
  • promote reconciliation, evangelism or environmental stewardship.

Budget Guidelines

The specific ways you propose to use grant funds will be a major factor in the selection of projects for funding.

  • Include a detailed budget that contains both expense and income to conduct the program.
  • Prepare your budget using the form provided at the end of this application. This is the budget for your grant application, not the budget for your organization.
  • Include estimates of committed contributions in kind, such as space and volunteer time.
  • Income should include participant fees and contributions, as applicable. Be specific and detailed about the budget for your project, including any other anticipated revenue.
  • Detail any additional grants that are being sought, and identify whether these funds are confirmed, anticipated, or pending. 

Expectations and Further Information

Ministers in charge of ministry grants are expected to attend any churchwide gatherings of campus or young adult ministers sponsored by the Episcopal Church during the term of the grant. Ministries receiving grants may be assigned a mentor for the duration of the grant period.

The application must be completed in full and submitted online. Please do not email your application.

If you have further questions, please contact The Rev. Shannon Kelly, Officer for Young Adult and Campus Ministry at The Rev. Shannon Kelly or Valerie Harris, Formation Associate at