Are you thinking about applying to serve on the EYE Mission Planning Team?

Today I am pleased to welcome Cookie Cantwell as our guest blogger. Cookie is the Province IV Youth Ministries Coordinator and has been extremely active in wider church youth activities, including last summer’s General Convention Official Youth Presence.

I can still remember the first time I walked down the airport concourse to board my airplane to fly to my first Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) Design Team Meeting.  I was excited and I was scared.  I felt honored to be asked to serve on that team and I was happy that I was chosen.  I also felt nervous about whether I was capable of doing the job that awaited me.

I have learned that this kind of feeling allows someone like me to put myself and my ministry in the Hands of our Living God.  I was willing to work hard, to connect with people, to share ideas, to listen to other people’s ideas and to allow God to create the amazing experience known as the Episcopal Youth Event.

Are you thinking about applying to serve on the EYE Mission Planning Team?


Go to the Eligibility Guidelines and carefully read to what you will be committing….

Check the dates to make sure you will be available….

Know that you will be working on things between the meetings and at EYE you will be working hard with this wonderful EYE Team.

Why apply?

It will be one of the most meaningful experiences of your life!  You will learn about yourself and discover things that you could never have imagined.  You will learn about other people and other cultures that you never knew existed.  You will encounter the Episcopal Church in ways that you never dreamed were possible and you will experience the fullness of God that will change your life and the world.

Should YOU apply to serve on the EYE Mission Planning Team?  Is God calling you to an adventure of dedication, commitment, learning, insights, spiritual growth, joy and service?

If the answer is “YES”, complete the EYE 2014  Mission Planning Team Application!

The application and nomination are here:

Filed under: Episcopal Youth Event