Great Partnership Examples from Episcopal Relief and Development

I got an email about this great project undertaken in partnership with Episcopal Relief and Development.

These partnerships (with dioceses, churches, non-governmental organizations, donors and other people who support the alleviation of global suffering) are what enable Episcopal Relief & Development to transform the lives of millions of people every year.

The partnerships exemplify the spirit of collaborative, contextualized ministry – the hallmarks of every great ministry initiative.

This month’s Power of Partnerships takes a look at an innovative “green” project currently being piloted at three Episcopal schools in Haiti.  Built and managed in partnership with local community leaders, this program combines renewable energy production with advancements in water, sanitation, hygiene, agriculture and reforestation practices.

Each school has installed a rainwater catchment system to supply water for new hand-washing stations and flush toilets, and a bio-digester that produces methane gas for cooking and liquid fertilizer for growing crops and trees. In addition, students are engaged in health and hygiene education that they can share with their families, reducing illness and promoting wellbeing.

If you don’t follow the work of Episcopal Relief and Development and its partners, I highly recommend you visit their website and learn more. Perhaps it will lead to new inspiration for engaging new partnerships – even worldwide ones – as part of your youth ministry program.

Filed under: Episcopal Relief & Development