Preparing for EYE14 Registration

Today, we published the EpiscoYouth e-newsletter, an email bulletin we send only when we have timely information to deliver. The edition today was focused on the Episcopal Youth Event, which will be held July 9-13, 2014 at Villanova University in suburban Philadelphia.

Discerning Your EYE’14 Delegation
We invite each diocese to send a delegation of diverse young leaders who represent the breadth of The Episcopal Church across the globe (click here for more details). Your diocese will be asked to set up a discernment process for applications to ensure that you are selecting youth who are most ready to experience the greater church and her diversity, and who also demonstrate capacity to bring home what they have experienced and learned to share with their peers and members of your diocese.

You will have the greatest success if you bring a diverse group of faithful, mature high schoolers, along with adults enthused about learning with them, and empowering and equipping them to be disciples in the world.

EYE participants need to be able to handle travel, to speak up in groups, to have the language to share their own faith journeys, and to be trustworthy in honoring the covenant for behavior required of all participants.

We will hold virtual meetings in each province to assist diocesan coordinators who need support in designing a process for their own diocese. Please Bronwyn Clark Skov if you would like a specific invitation to one of these events.

Other details:

  • Cost is anticipated to be $325.
  • Each diocese may register up to 24 high-school-aged youths. This means that youths are enrolled in 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade during the 2013-2014 school year.
  • Registration will open in January 2014, and will remain open until March 15, or when dorm capacity is reached, whichever happens first. Deposits will be due at the time of registration.
  • More in-depth registration information is HERE.

Pre-Conference for Specialized Ministry Areas
There will be a pre-EYE conference jointly hosted by the Missioners for Asiamerica Ministries, Black Ministries, Indigenous Ministries, and Latino/Hispanic Ministries. More information will be available on this soon.

3 Days of Urban Mission
Making mission real! This event will be held July 14 through 16. Mark your calendars now! More information, including cost, will be available soon.

Bishops Welcome!
Diocesan, Suffragan, and Assisting Bishops may register as adult chaperones (included in the adult ratios), and stay in dorms with youth and other adult chaperones if they file a current background check (within 5 years) with the Presiding Bishop’s office.

Bishops may also register individually at a higher rate for alternative housing removed from the dorms, or for a lower rate as daily guests on campus. More details will be forthcoming as soon as we can determine pricing for these options.

Each bishop will receive a specific invitation from the Youth Ministries Office once all details are determined.

Preparing to Welcome You to Philadelphia
The EYE14 Mission Planning Team, in partnership with the Diocese of Pennsylvania and the Province III Youth Ministry Network, is working hard to get ready for this popular event.

Sign up for future EpiscoYouth e-newsletters and make sure to stay tuned to our EYE Facebook page, Twitter feed and this blog for updates and conversations.

We hope to see you in Philly next summer!