Alfred J. Jewson

Sermons and Bible Studies
In Today’s Reading…, Palm Sunday (C) – 2001
In today’s reading from Isaiah, God is called Lord and Savior, “to whom every knee shall bow” (Isaiah 45:23). In the Letter to the Philippians, St. Paul applies these attributes to Jesus. The Passion story from St. Luke affirms both the saving power of Jesus and his Kingship, his Lordship over all. What does it […]
They Did Not Understand…, Proper 12 (B) – 2000
“They did not understand about the loaves.” The Gospel narrative that we heard today is the conclusion to the story that began with last Sunday’s Gospel. In that narrative, Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish. Immediately following the miracle of the loaves, Jesus dismissed the crowd who had just been fed, […]
Bill Was in His Late 20s…, Proper 7 (B) – 2000
Bill was in his late 20’s, a single, handsome fellow a little over six feet in height with wavy black hair and green eyes. He worked in health care as an x-ray technician and was very good at his profession. Bill’s life was hard growing up and he had little use for his parents and […]
What Insurance Policy Do You Have?, Epiphany 3 (B) – 2000
Recently, an ad appeared on television. It pictured the advertising media’s image of the ideal American family. The husband and wife were young and appeared successful and had two small children, a boy and a girl. They were sitting in the family room watching their children play. The boy was busy with a computer game […]
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