
Catherine Owens

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Catherine Owens lives in Massachusetts and is a part-time student in the Master’s of Divinity program at Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Mass. This represents a radical change in direction for Catherine, who had spent many years working in biotechnology and the computer industry, as both a technical writer and project manager. As she tries to discern God’s dream for her, she is increasingly drawn toward ways of facilitating conversations about faith among the un-churched and de-churched, and among those of different faith traditions.

Sermons and Bible Studies

Bible Study: Proper 20 (A) – 2011

September 18, 2011

Jonah 3:10-4:11 When Jonah prayed to God from the belly of the great fish he said, “Deliverance belongs to the Lord!” But now Jonah has forgotten that lesson. Jonah thinks […]

1 records

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