Craig Canfield

Sermons and Bible Studies
The Opposite Of Scoffing, Easter 7 (B) – 2012
“Once there was a little girl who always laughed and grinned and made fun of everyone, of all her blood and kin, and once when there was company and old folks was there, she mocked them and she shocked them, and said she didn’t care. And just as she turned on her heels to go […]
If We Love One Another…, Easter 6 (B) – 2003
If we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us. To pluck their lives from death and to feed them in time of famine. Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness on the day of judgment, because as he is, so are we […]
A Young Man Throws…, Lent 5 (B) – 2003
A young man throws open the door and bounds across the church basement floor carrying a stack of books. He heads for the circle of chairs assembled for this Sunday morning’s Bible study group. The books have all been well pored over. They are filled with nearly as much of his own note taking as […]
The Unseen, Seen, Proper 23 (A) – 2002
A man flips lazily through the television channels and stops for a few minutes to look at a religious program. He then turns the set off, gets up, and walks into the hall where he encounters his wife. “Will you,” he asks her, “be ready when the Bridegroom comes?” “Yes,” she responds quickly, “I have […]
Some of You Might Have Seen…, Proper 18 (A) – 2002
Some of you might have seen the film Signs this summer. Behind the scary, horror movie surface of its narrative is the very human story of a priest whose wife has recently been killed in a car accident. As a result, the priest finds he is losing his faith in God. He has taken off […]
Once a Young Man…, Easter 6 (A) – 2002
Once a young man mentioned to his pastor that he had a love of poetry but that he noticed poetry was never mentioned at church. “Would it be possible,” he asked the pastor, “to introduce poetry sometime into the service?” The following week the pastor obligingly produced a poem. After explaining to the congregation why […]
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