Frank Hegedüs

The Rev. Dr. Frank Hegedűs, a priest of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, is currently chaplain of Saint Margaret’s Anglican Church in Budapest, Hungary, and an area dean in the Church of England’s Diocese in Europe. Visit our Saint Margaret’s Facebook page at and like us. Isten hozott!
Sermons and Bible Studies
Today Is Remembrance Sunday…, Proper 28 (A) – 2011
Today is Remembrance Sunday – the Sunday closest to November eleventh – the day World War I ended nearly a hundred years ago at the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918. In the United Kingdom and in many Commonwealth countries, Remembrance Sunday is kept with great solemnity as an […]
If You Ever Decide…, Proper 14 (A) – 2011
If you ever decide to write a book about the gospels, here’s an idea for you. You might want to tackle the central role of the Sea of Galilee in the narrative of Jesus’ ministry. A great freshwater lake or inland sea about a third the size of Lake Tahoe on the California-Nevada border, it […]
In Many Cultures of the World…, Lent 4 (A) – 2011
In many cultures of the world, the first day of April is kept as April Fools’ Day, a day for shenanigans, generalized tomfoolery, and practical jokes played on unsuspecting family members, friends, and co-workers. Most of us have been at one time or another the butt of someone’s silly pranks on this day, perhaps even […]
We Live in Scary Times, Proper 28 (C) – 2010
We live in scary times. Millions of people in this country and around the world find themselves unemployed or underemployed â in spite of the upbeat explanations of some economists that the recession is already at an end. The housing market, other experts tell us, has not stabilized. And the same is probably true of […]
Get a Group of Episcopal Clergy…, Proper 17 (C) – 2010
Get a group of Episcopal clergy talking, and sooner or later the conversation will turn to their experiences officiating at weddings. Someone in the group will no doubt relate a moving story of an estranged family reconciled and reunited at the wedding of a son or daughter. Before long, another cleric will begin reminiscing about […]
There Is a Story or Parable…, Easter 7 (C) – 2010
There is a story or parable, variously ascribed to the wisdom traditions of Arab, Chinese, or rabbinic literature, which illustrates well âthe changes and chances of this mortal life,â as the Book of Common Prayer describes the vicissitudes, the ups and downs, of this world. According to most versions, the story â no doubt apocryphal […]
I Must Be On My Way, Lent 2 (C) – 2010
As Jesus says in todayâs reading from Luke, âI must be on my way.â We Americans are a restless and mobile lot. Ask around your parish community some Sunday morning at coffee hour, and you are likely as not to find fellow parishioners who are transplants from down the road and across the country. Some […]
Creative Love, Christmas Day (III) – 2009
“The Word became flesh and lived among us. Hereâs a question for you this Christmas Day: Say there had been no fall from grace in the Garden, and humankind had never sinned. In that case, would God have become man? Would God have become part of our human race? And would we today be celebrating […]
How Much Should I Give…, Proper 22 (B) – 2009
âHow much should I give to the Church?â This is the dilemma faced by most Episcopalians each year around this time as they consider their pledge and annual giving to the work of the church. As a Sunday bulletin insert from the Ecumenical Stewardship Center explains the issue, âPeople are often asked to give the […]
Quick, What Is Another…, Lent 4 (B) – 2009
Quick, what is another name for today, the Fourth Sunday in Lent? Give up? Actually, there are several possible answers to this question, all of them correct, and all of them originating in ecclesiastical history and liturgical practice. In some quarters, especially among our Roman Catholic friends and neighbors, the Fourth Sunday in Lent is […]
If I Hear the Voice…, Epiphany 4 (B) – 2009
âIf I hear the voice of the Lord my God any more, or ever again see this great fire, I will die.â Tomorrow, February second, is a cross-quarter day, more or less. Never heard of it? Well, you are probably not alone. A cross-quarter day is the mid-point between a solstice and an equinox, the […]
Inherit the Kingdom…, Christ the King (A) – 2008
âInherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.â Today, the twenty-eighth and last Sunday after Pentecost, brings to a conclusion the great â perhaps long is a better word for it â season of time after Pentecost. For that matter, it brings to an end the entire cycle of the church […]
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