Margaret Leidheiser-Stoddard

Sermons and Bible Studies
Bible Study: Proper 24 (C) – 2016
Jeremiah 31:27-34 The prophet’s words vividly illustrate the much-anticipated community of the new covenant to a people who have been suffering in estrangement from YHWH for many years. Verses 27 through 30 use a potentially confusing metaphor to describe a common complaint, namely that innocent generations of God’s covenant people are languishing as divine punishment […]
Bible Study: Proper 18 (C) – 2016
Jeremiah 18:1-11 The potter, the wheel, and the clay – one of the most beautiful and enduring metaphors for our creative and creating God in all of Scripture. The potter does not only mold and shape fresh clay at the wheel; the potter remakes his creations when they become spoiled and broken. The potter’s work […]
Bible Study: Proper 12 (C) – 2016
Hosea 1:2-10 These verses from the first chapter of Hosea present an affronted YHWH who seems at once both vindictive and indecisive. Israel has betrayed God, the people of the divided kingdoms have broken their covenant promise to worship YHWH alone. Consequences will follow: God’s punishment is coming, God’s pity and forgiveness are ending, and […]
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