Michael Phillips

Sermons and Bible Studies
Two Weeks Ago…, Proper 4 (B) – 1997
Two weeks ago, a six year old girl who lives a few doors away was outside, swinging in her backyard. She was playing a popular children’s game of swinging until she gained sufficient momentum, and then jumped off the swing as it swing forward, sending her up and out, higher and farther than the swing […]
Imagine Being Married…, Easter 3 (B) – 1997
Imagine being married for 13, 14, 15, maybe even 20 years or more…and thinking that things were generally pretty good between you and your spouse. There were occasional ups and downs, like every marriage. And then, out of the blue one day your spouse comes to you and says, “I’ve filed for divorce.” After the […]
Sometime Last Year…, Easter 5 (A) – 1996
Sometime last year I stood in my living room, watching a neighbor of mine cut his lawn. It was a typically hot and sunny Saturday afternoon. My attention was drawn to him because I wondered why he wasn’t inside watching the baseball game of the week. But there he was, outside, pushing the gas-powered mower […]
It Is Unlikely That…, Easter 4 (A) – 1996
It is unlikely that Jesus ever worked for gainful employment as a shepherd. Tradition (not scripture) tells us that he learned his father’s trade and worked as a carpenter. He is called “rabbi” or “teacher” in some of the gospel stories which may or may not indicate a field of employment. Although we may not […]
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