Introducing the Churchwide Task Force on Care of Creation and Environmental Racism
By the Rev. Stephanie Johnson

In October 2022, the Task Force on Care of Creation and Environmental Racism was reestablished based on Resolution A086, adopted by General Convention in Baltimore in July. This is the third time that an interim body has been convened to assist the church in responding to the growing threat of climate change, systemic environmental racism and injustice, biodiversity loss, and localized environmental degradation.
Following a churchwide request for applications for interim bodies, appointments to the task force were made by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris. The task force met in person in Baltimore in November 2022 to begin planning its work.
Among the priorities for the task force in this short period before General Convention in 2024 is the continuation of the grant program which, in the past seven years, has awarded more than $700,000 to nearly 80 recipients. In the upcoming year, the task force anticipates an additional round of grants focusing on environmental racism, eco-justice, and carbon neutrality. Additionally, the task force will continue in its mandate to support the development and sharing of creation care theological resources for the wider church.
Building on the work done by The Episcopal Church office in the previous triennium, the task force will “further expand, support and promote the Creation Care Covenant recognizing that this work seeks to align with the loving, liberating, and life-giving work of evangelism and beloved community,” per Resolution AO86. The task force will also support the broader church in reaching General Convention’s resolution on carbon neutrality by 2030. Finally, the task force will help implement a pilot carbon-offset program for church travel.
Please be in touch with the Rev. Stephanie Johnson, chair of the task force, for any questions or comments. She can be reached at
The Rev. Stephanie M. Johnson has been the chair (and co-chair) of the Task Force for Care of Creation and Environmental Racism for seven years. She is the author of “How Can I Care for Creation? A Little Book of Guidance,” and co-author with Jerry Cappel of “A Life of Grace for the Whole World,” a youth and adult environmental curriculum, both from Church Publishing. Johnson teaches classes and workshops on preaching about climate change, eco-theology, and congregational greening throughout The Episcopal Church and ecumenically. She is on the Leadership Circle of Blessed Tomorrow and the advisory council for the Center for Earth Ethics. Johnson has been the rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and Day School in Riverside, Connecticut, since 2016.