Glossary of Terms
Jubilee College
No longer in existence, this college near Peoria was founded in 1839 by Philander Chase, the first Bishop of Illinois. The cornerstone of the chapel and schoolhouse was laid on Apr. 3, 1839, and the school opened in 1840. The charter of Jan. 22, 1847, stated that the institution was to consist of a theological […]
Jubilee Ministry
A social justice ministry of advocacy and service for the poor and oppressed. It is a network of parish and diocesan Jubilee Centers throughout the Episcopal Church. It was established by an act of the 1982 General Convention as “a ministry of joint discipleship in Christ with poor and oppressed people, wherever they are found, […]
Jude the Apostle, Saint
(See Simon and Jude, Saints and Apostles.)
Julian of Norwich
(c. 1342-c. 1413). English female mystic and anchoress. Almost nothing is known about Julian's life, not even her real name. As was the custom of anchoresses and anchorites in the fourteenth century, she took the name Julian from the name of the church where she lived in a cell. The Norwich church was named for […]
Junior Warden
See Wardens of a Parish.
Jurisdiction (episcopal)
A bishop's canonical authority over an area, typically a diocese. The diocesan bishop has jurisdiction in his or her diocese. Jurisdiction is not held by bishops coadjutor, suffragan bishops, assisting bishops, resigned bishops, or retired bishops, although they may exercise other episcopal ministries. See Bishop.
Just War Theory
Proponents of just war theory claim that violent force should be used to protect innocent persons from attack. In contrast, pacifists maintain that war can never be just. Just war theory concerns the moral principles that indicate the justification and limitation of violent force. Drawing upon Roman ideas of just war, Ambrose and Augustine in […]
The word (from the Latin justus, meaning “righteous,” and facere, meaning “to make”) is used in both the OT and NT to mean “being set in a right relation to another person or to God within the covenant. The Psalmist, realizing the weight of sin, acknowledged that God was “justified” in pronouncing judgment (Ps. 51:5). […]
Justin the Martyr
(c. 100-c. 165). Leading apologist, who has been called “one of the most original thinkers Christianity produced.” He was born to Greek-speaking, pagan parents at Flavia Neapolis (Nablus), the ancient city of Shechem in Samaria. After a long search for the truth in pagan philosophies, he embraced Christianity around 130. Justin taught at Ephesus for […]
Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.