An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Glossary of Terms


T.B. (The Bachelor of Sacred Theology degree presupposes a first bachelor's degree and was designed to prepare persons for ministry in the church. It is no longer used.


T.D. (The Doctor of Sacred Theology degree presupposes a first theological degree and is to equip persons for teaching and research in theological seminaries, colleges, and universities.


T.M. (The Master of Sacred Theology degree presupposes the M. Div. degree and is an academic program stressing fuller mastery of resources in one of the theological disciplines.


A person who observes Saturday as the Sabbath, as in Judaism, some Puritan groups, and some sect groups in Christianity such as Seventh Day Adventists. It also means a person […]


The seventh day of the Jewish week, our Saturday. It was marked by a total prohibition of work (Ex 23:12). In Christian liturgical usage, Holy Saturday is called the Great […]


This term comes from the word “sabbath,” and means seven or seventh. It means a period of rest and an intermission in labor. A sabbatical year is the seventh year. […]


Trinitarian theology of Sabellius, a teacher in Rome before his condemnation by Pope Callistus (217-222). Sabellius believed that the Creator (Father) is not personally distinguished from the Redeemer (Son) or […]

Sacerdotal, Sacerdotalism

From the Latin sacerdos, “priest.” It means of or pertaining to the order of priests or the role, identity, or function of priests. A ministry reserved to the ordained priesthood […]

Sacramental Rites

The sacramental rites of the Episcopal Church include Confirmation, Ordination, Holy Matrimony, Reconciliation of a Penitent, and Unction (BCP, pp. 860-861). These rites are distinguished from the sacraments of Baptism […]


This term is commonly applied to priests ordained according to the provisions of the canons which allow “communities which are small, isolated, remote, or distinct in respect of ethnic composition, […]


The Prayer Book Catechism notes that the sacramental rites of Confirmation, Ordination, Holy Matrimony, Reconciliation of a Penitent, and Unction evolved in the church under the guidance of the Holy […]


A liturgical book containing prayers used by the celebrant at the eucharist throughout the year, along with other liturgical prayers. The celebrant's prayer at the eucharist was mainly extemporaneous during […]

Sacramento, Diocese of

The 1898 General Convention voted that the bounds of the Missionary District of Northern California be changed to include the original counties in California plus all that portion of Nevada […]


Outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, given by Christ as sure and certain means for receiving God’s grace. Baptism and Eucharist are the two great sacraments given […]

Sacrifice (Eucharistic)

See Eucharistic Sacrifice.


A person who works in the sacristy, the room for storing and working with the various items needed for the liturgies and worship of the church. Such items may include […]


The room adjoining a church where vestments, altar hangings and linens, sacred vessels, and liturgical books are kept until needed for use in worship. Clergy typically vest in the sacristy.


A holy person, a faithful Christian, one who shares life in Christ. The term may also indicate one who has been formally canonized or recognized as a saint by church […]

Salina, Missionary District of

This jurisdiction existed from Oct. 17, 1901, until Nov. 14, 1960. See Western Kansas, Diocese of.

Salomon, Richard Georg

(Apr. 20, 1884-Feb. 3, 1966). Church historian. He was born in Berlin, Germany. Salomon received his doctoral degree in history from the University of Berlin in 1907, and then served […]

225 records

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.