An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Blue Book

A book containing reports from boards, committees, and commissions for the General Convention. It is distributed to delegates and other participants prior to General Convention. The first "Blue Book" was published for the sixty-fourth General Convention, Oct. 11-Oct. 29, 1973, which met at Louisville, Kentucky. It was entitled The Blue Book: Supplement. The name is associated with the color of the book's cover, although the 1973 edition was not blue. Future volumes were blue, and were entitled The Blue Book: Reports of the Committees, Commissions, Boards, and Agencies of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. The 1997 edition was entitled Report to the 72nd General Convention, Otherwise Known as The Blue Book. Reports and Resolutions of the Committees, Commissions, Boards and Agencies of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, USA for Consideration in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July Sixteenth to Twenty-fifth, inclusive, in the Year of Our Lord 1997. Its color was maroon. Earlier collections of documents for General Convention were also known by the color of the book cover. The "Blue Book" was preceded by The Green Book, which was preceded by The Yellow Book.

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.