An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Bray’s Associates

Thomas Bray (1656-1730) was deeply interested in the English colonies. While visiting Holland, he met Monsieur Abel Tassin, who was commonly known as Sieur d'Allone. D'Allone provided in his will that the income from a fund that represented a significant portion of his estate would be used by Doctor Bray and his associates for erecting schools for the instruction of the young children of Negro slaves “& such of their Parents as show themselves inclineable.” In 1723 Bray named trustees to execute the work made possible by D'Allone's benefactions, as well as other funds accumulated by him for the instruction of Indians and Negroes. Their authority was confirmed by a decree of chancery on June 24, 1730. The title “Doctor Bray's Associates,” or “Bray's Associates” remained with them. The official name was the “Trustees for Mr. D'Allone's Charity for the Instruction of the Negroes in America.” The organization used missionaries, books, and schools to educate and convert Negroes and Native Americans. Their activities in America were ended by the Revolutionary War.

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.