An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Christian Nurture Series

A Sunday Church School curriculum for children and high school students designed to encourage growth in the Christian faith and tradition. Published in 1916, it continued in use until it began to be replaced by the Seabury Series in 1949. It had two essential elements: 1) a sequence of themes, one for each year of the growing pupil's life; and 2) the pedagogical principle that the pupil should be informed and at the same time trained through participation in the activities of worshiping God and serving other human beings. The leaders in establishing the series were the Rev. William Edward Gardner (1872-1965), and the Rev. Lester Bradner (d. 1929). Christian Warrior, The. Described as a “militant Low Church publication,” its first issue appeared on Jan. 2, 1828, in Philadelphia. It was founded and edited by the Rev. Benjamin Allen (1789-1829). Although it was intended to be a weekly, it soon became a monthly periodical. The name was changed to Christian Magazine after Allen bought the subscription list of the American edition of the London Christian Review and Clerical Magazine. It was discontinued shortly after Allen's death.

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.