An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Church’s Teaching Series, The

The Church's Teaching Series is a series of volumes written to provide adults with the basic content teaching of the Episcopal Church. The first series was done by an author's committee under the chairmanship of John Heuss, the director of the Department of Christian Education of the National Council. The first series had six volumes: Robert C. Denton, The Holy Scripture (1949); Powel Mills Dawley, Chapters in Church History (1951); James A. Pike and W. Norman Pittenger, The Faith of the Church (1951); Massey H. Shepherd, Jr., The Worship of the Church (1952); Powel Mills Dawley, The Episcopal Church and Its Work (1955); and Stephen F. Bayne, Jr., Christian Living (1957). A new Church's Teaching Series was published in 1979 with Alan Jones as chair of the committee. This new official series had seven volumes: Urban T. Holmes, III, and John H. Westerhoff, III, Christian Believing (1979); Robert A. Bennett and O. C. Edwards, The Bible for Today's Church (1979); John E. Booty, The Church in History (1979); Richard A. Norris, Understanding the Faith of the Church (1979); Charles P. Price and Louis Weil, Liturgy for Living (1979); Earl H. Brill, The Christian Moral Vision (1979); and Rachel Hosmer and Alan Jones, Living in the Spirit (1979). Gary T. Evans and Richard E. Hayes, Equipping God's People: Basic Concepts for Adult Education (1979) is a guide to the use of the series.

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.