An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Hermann von Wied of Cologne

(1477-1552). He was Archbishop-elector of Cologne, and he called a provincial council in 1536 to institute reforms. The canons enacted there were published in 1538 with an Encheridion (handbook or manual) based on the Apostles' Creed, the seven sacraments, the Lord's Prayer, and the decalogue. Martin Bucer, who had worked on various German church orders, was brought to Cologne by Hermann in Feb. 1542. Bucer began work on a church order based largely on the 1533 Brandenburg-Nuremberg Order of Andreas Osiander and Johann Brenz. Philipp Melancthon, brought to Cologne in May 1543, revised and enlarged the doctrinal portion. The order, adopted in July, was published in October. A slightly revised German version was published in Nov. 1544. An amended Latin version was published in 1545. An English translation of the Latin version, A Simple, and Religious Consultation , was published in London on Oct. 30, 1547, and an amended edition was published in 1548. Various sections were printed separately. The 1549 BCP is indebted to this book in its calendar and in almost every rite. The Cologne chapter published a rejoinder, first in German and then in Latin, Antididagma, which supplied a few phrases in the first Prayer Book. Hermann was excommunicated and deposed by Pope Paul III in 1546.

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.