An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Mexico, Diocese of

Henry Chauncey Riley (1835-1904) was consecrated the Bishop of the Valley of Mexico on June 24, 1879. He served in that position until he resigned on Apr. 24, 1884. The General Convention of 1904 established the Missionary District of Mexico and elected a Missionary Bishop. In 1972 the House of Bishops divided the Missionary District of Mexico into the Missionary District of Central and South Mexico, the Missionary District of Western Mexico, and the Missionary District of Northern Mexico. All three of these Missionary Districts became dioceses on Jan. 1, 1980. In 1988 the House of Bishops divided the Diocese of Central and South Mexico into the Diocese of Mexico, the Diocese of Cuernavaca, and the Diocese of Southeastern Mexico. It continues the Diocese of Central and South Mexico. The 1994 General Convention granted the five Mexican dioceses permission to withdraw from the Episcopal Church and form an autonomous province. The Anglican Church of Mexico came into existence on Jan. 1, 1995.

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.