An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Parish Profile

An instrument that provides important information concerning a parish, including information about the parish's services and programs, budget, parish life and goals, and previous clergy. The standardized form that is typically used for parish profiles is provided by the Church Deployment Office of the Episcopal Church Center. The preparation of the parish profile may be part of the congregation's work to clarify goals and needs in beginning the search process for a member of the clergy. The work of preparing the parish profile may involve parish meetings, small group discussions, questionnaires answered by parishioners, the leadership of the vestry and wardens, and possibly the help of a facilitator who guides the congregation through the process. The completed parish profile is made available to clergy who may be interested in a call to a position in the parish. The parish profile may be matched with personal profiles of clergy to identify potential candidates for a vacant position.

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.