An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Pre-Sanctified, Mass of the

Celebration of communion with previously consecrated eucharistic elements, in a eucharistic liturgy without a prayer of consecration. It makes possible eucharistic sharing on days of fasting when the eucharist is not celebrated. In the Byzantine Rite, the liturgy of the pre-sanctified is used on weekdays during Lent (usually on Wednesdays and Fridays) when the eucharist is not celebrated. The liturgy of the pre-sanctified is celebrated in the west only on Good Friday. The use of the liturgy of the pre-sanctified on Good Friday dates from the early sacramentaries of the western church. The 1979 BCP allows Holy Communion to be administered from the reserved sacrament on Good Friday. The eucharistic elements that will be administered on Good Friday are consecrated at the Maundy Thursday service (p. 275). The administration of communion on Good Friday follows the solemn collects and devotions before the cross. A simple order of service is used, with a confession of sin and the Lord's Prayer preceding the communion (BCP, p. 282). A final prayer concludes the Good Friday service. The term “Mass (or liturgy) of the pre-sanctified” is not used in Anglican Prayer Books.

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.