Introducing Faith Formation Academy

This week, Faith Formation leaders from across The Episcopal Church have been gathered at the Forma Conference for continuing education and networking.

At yesterday’s plenary gathering, Forma officially introduced Faith Formation Academy, which will be offering a Certificate Program for Leadership in Lifelong Christian Formation and a Certificate in Youth and Family Ministry.

The Certificate Program for Leadership in Lifelong Christian Formation is designed to help equip practitioners with supplementary preparation and with the additional learnings and tools they need to enable excellent Christian Formation leadership for their local communities.

The Certificate in Youth and Family Ministry is designed for those who are actively engaged in the practice of youth ministry or feel called to deepen their own understanding of the practice of youth ministry.  The program will equip participants with a foundational learning, rooted in the practical application to their specific ministry context.

Follow the links above for more information about the requirements, time commitment and cost associated with both of these pilot offerings.

For so many of us working in the field of Lifelong Formation, these new programs are an opportunity for training and professional connection and recognition that has been missing in The Episcopal Church for quite a while.

All of us on the Formation and Vocations Team are excited about the potential for these programs and am grateful that Forma is willing to take the initiative in creating these offerings.

Participation will be limited during this first pilot round of offerings and registration will open February 1 so I encourage you to begin discerning now whether you are called to participate in the next year.