
Episcopal Youth Event
Every three years, in accordance with General Convention Resolution #1982-D079, the Episcopal Church convenes an international youth event so “that the energy of the youth of the Episcopal Church can continue to be utilized in active ministry as members of the Body of Christ.”
Young Adult and Campus Ministries Leadership Conference
The Young Adult and Campus Ministry Annual Leadership Conference is an opportunity for Episcopal leaders in ministry with young adults on and off college campuses to meet and connect with one another and to be nourished and nurtured in their ministry.
Our hope is that the participants will:
- connect and reconnect with others involved in this ministry
- be better equipped to engage young adults where they live, work and study
- learn from one another and share resources
- build upon their skills and networks to assist them in ministry
- leave feeling that they have feasted at the table and are ready to do the work God has called them to do
Conference participants – both leaders who are new to this work as well as those who have longstanding roots in this ministry – will hear from speakers, focus on intentional conversations, build relationships, and learn from one another.