Young Adult and Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry: Mentoring a Generation

A Rising Generation of Leaders 

Campus ministry is one of the important ways the church keeps its baptismal promise to support persons in their life in Christ. We do this in partnership with youth leaders, camp directors, parishes and young adult ministries. 
Many leaders in the church have been involved with campus ministry and point to these ministries as pivotal moments in their faith development and religious commitment. 
Campus ministry is an effective investment in the leadership, life and growth of the church and requires the financial and relational commitment of the parish and the diocesan community as a whole in order to be successful, healthy and sustainable. 

A Necessary Community 

College students are in a transitional place developmentally which calls for a creation of a peer community. In such groups, individual faith and religious commitments are challenged, explored and strengthened. 
Campus ministries serve as places of community which may center around shared meals, regular worship, pastoral care, community service, and other encounters with Episcopal ministries. 

A Place for Mentoring & Spiritual Formation 

Campus ministry is a lively place for mentoring the Christian formation of both seekers and those who grew up in our churches. 
In campus ministry students are recognized, challenged, supported, inspired and engaged in honest dialogue around their faith in order to foster their potential. 

A Source of Imagination & Vision 

Campus ministries provide a culture where students can imagine and explore new possibilities for ministry. These imagined possibilities are necessary for the continued vitality of the church and for God’s mission in the world. 
In campus ministry we equip students with the tools of our tradition for facing the tough ethical, moral, religious, relational and ecological challenges of a complex world. 

Revised 2018 from the original document created in 2009

Find a Young Adult or Campus Ministry

The Rev. Shannon Kelly

Officer for Young Adult and Campus Ministries and Camino Project Grant

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