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Deadline nears for survey on use of resources from Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music

November 21, 2013
Office of Public Affairs

The Episcopal Church’s Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) has issued a reminder to submit feedback through a survey about the new resources for blessing same-sex relationships.

The survey is located here.

In 2012, the General Convention passed Resolution A049 commending “Liturgical Resources 1:  I Will Bless You and You Will Be A Blessing” for study and use in congregation and dioceses, and approved the liturgical resource “The Witnessing and Blessing of a Lifelong Covenant” for provisional use.

SCLM reports that, since about 50 days ago, 339 people have taken the survey in English and three people in Spanish.  Of those, 67% were clergy, 33% were lay.

Of the people providing feedback about preparing a couple, 50% were clergy and 12% were members of a couple who were blessed. 

On feedback about the liturgy, 55.3% were clergy, 15.5% members of the congregation, and 16.8% a member of the couple.

Regarding the educational/discussion material, 27.7% used the material, while those who did not use it said it was either because they had already done congregational education (57.9%) or that they used other resources (31.3%).

Of those who said they did not use any of the SCLM’s material, 61.8% said it was because no one came forward asking for a blessing.

The most responses came from the Dioceses of California, East Tennessee and New York.

The survey will remain open through December 31. 

Other contact information:

•         Liturgical Resources I (which contains all the resource material and the Liturgy) is available, in print and ebook form, from Church Publishing, Inc. here.

•         To contact SCLM email

•         Visit the SCLM blog at

•         Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music:




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