The Office of Public Affairs

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House of Bishop recommits to MDGs

September 21, 2010
Office of Public Affairs
The House of Bishop of The Episcopal Church, meeting in Phoenix, AZ, approved the following resolution:

Mind of the House Resolution:

Renewed Commitment to the Millennium Development Goals

Resolved, that the House of Bishops of The Episcopal Church meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, September 16-21, 2010, recognizes that our meeting is occurring concurrent with the United Nations Summit 2010 in New York City evaluating progress on meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); and be it further

Resolved, that the House of Bishops recalls our commitments to the Millennium Development Goals through General Convention resolutions 2003-D006, 2006-D022, 2009-D019, and in actions and resolutions of our own dioceses; and be it further

Resolved, that we the bishops of The Episcopal Church recommit ourselves to the Millennium Development Goals as a response to God”s mission of restoration and reconciliation, and pledge to reengage our dioceses in helping to achieve the goals of the MDGs.

The House of Bishops

The Episcopal Church

Fall Meeting 2010

Phoenix, Arizona