The Office of Public Affairs

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The Episcopal Church joins October 3 National Day of Prayer for healing in the Gulf of Mexico

September 9, 2010
Office of Public Affairs
The Episcopal Church is joining other religious denominations and groups in calling for a national day of prayer and action for the Gulf of Mexico on Sunday, October 3.

Called “Seeking God”s Grace for the Gulf: A Day of Worship, Reflection and Healing,” the effort is led by the National Council of Churches (NCC) Eco-Justice Working Group

“The National Day of Prayer is a way for all of us to remember the tragedy of the oil spill, and to pray for the healing of the Gulf Coast,” explained Michael Schut, Episcopal Church Officer for Environmental/Economic Affairs. “It”s also an opportunity to pray for the healing of our own grief connected to such extensive ecological and economic damage, and to advocate for stronger regulation of oil drilling operations.”

Environmental resources from the Episcopal Church:

Educational resources, prayers and suggested actions:

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