Webinar: Building a Fighting Church, Part 1

In 2024 alone, 669 anti-transgender bills have been introduced into American legislative bodies at the state and federal levels. Presently, 41 states have abortion bans of some kind on their books. As the emergence of these conditions have been possible under a Democratic presidency-and as intensified legislative attacks on LGBTQ+ and reproductive justice have been explicitly advertised as goals of the incoming Republican administration-we know that our solution is not a partisan one. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment both politically and spiritually. Join this webinar to study the present terrain we find ourselves on, examine possibilities for future gender justice struggles, and learn from gender justice leaders both within and beyond The Episcopal Church about the work we can do to uphold the dignity of all God’s children in the face of adversity. We will follow with a second webinar in this series, “Building a Fighting Church Part II: Supporting Our Sacred Right to Reproductive Healthcare”.