Where are Moravians and Episcopalians Together?

Prepared by Richard Mammana and Maria Tjeltveit, March 2022; revised July 2022

Moravian Church in North America congregations are present in 13 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces.

If you are a Moravian in the following states or provinces, you can find out about your Episcopal Church neighbors and how to contact them through the following diocesan websites. When there is more than one Episcopal diocese in a state and its name is not more geographically descriptive, a see city or headquarters is provided.


Anglican Diocese of Calgary
Anglican Diocese of Edmonton

Anglican Diocese of Toronto

==United States==

Episcopal Diocese of California (San Francisco)
Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles

Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida (Orlando)
Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida (Miami)

Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

Episcopal Diocese of Springfield

Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis

Episcopal Diocese of Maryland (Baltimore)
Episcopal Diocese of Washington

Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan
Episcopal Diocese of Michigan (Detroit)
Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan

Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota

New Jersey
Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey (Trenton)
Episcopal Diocese of Newark

New York
Episcopal Diocese of Long Island (Bronx and Queens)
Episcopal Diocese of New York

North Carolina
Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina (Wilmington)
Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina

North Dakota
Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota

Episcopal Diocese of Ohio (Cleveland)
Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio (Cincinnati)

Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem
Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania (Harrisburg)
Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)

South Carolina
Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina

U.S. Virgin Islands
Episcopal Diocese of the Virgin Islands

Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia (Roanoke)

Episcopal Diocese of Olympia

Washington, D.C.
Episcopal Diocese of Washington

Episcopal Diocese of Fond du Lac
Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee

If you are an Episcopalian in one of these dioceses, you can find out about your local Moravian congregations using this map.

The Episcopal Church overlaps jurisdictionally with Moravians in other parts of the world:

The Episcopal Diocese of Cuba and the Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic share land with the Moravian Mission Province of Cuba, part of the Moravian Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.

The Episcopal Diocese of Central Ecuador and the Episcopal Diocese of Litoral Ecuador overlap with a Moravian Mission Area of the Worldwide Unity at Herrnhut.

The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe overlaps with the European Continental Province of the Unity based in Herrnhut.

The Episcopal Diocese of Honduras overlaps with the Honduras Moravian Mission Province of the Moravian Province of Nicaragua.