

EPPN Lenten Series Part 4: Spotlight on Security

March 26, 2014

[…] your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.  – Collect for Peace on Good Friday, Book of Common Prayer This week we continue our look at the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and the difficult issues […]


Turning Toward God: Advent Meditation, 12/9/2012

December 9, 2012

[…] sins, that we may greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ our Redeemer; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen ( Book of Common Prayer, p. 211).

Bible Studies That Work
Bible Study

Bible Study: Easter 3 (B) – 2021

March 8, 2021

[…] current context of a global pandemic? Today’s psalm is a classic one included in the Book of Common Prayer’s service of Compline – and for good reason. With its images of praying in […]



[…] cross . . . .” Neither insufflation nor exsufflation appears in any English or American Book of Common Prayer. The action is optional in post-Vatican II Roman Catholic liturgies. The biblical roots of […]


On Baptism

May 1, 2001

[…] – of “Christ in us the hope of glory.” In the rites of our present Book of Common Prayer a notable feature is the Baptismal Covenant. Increasingly it is explicated and reflected upon […]


From the Presiding Bishop: A Word to the Church

July 10, 2006

[…] its domestic and global dimensions. By mission I mean, in the words of our Prayer Book, the restoration “of all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.” […]


Marking Ash Wednesday and Lent

November 6, 2014

[…] saying the Lord’s Prayer or The Prayer of Self-Dedication found on page 832 of the Book of Common Prayer. 40 Days of Prayer Lent is a time for daily devotion. We invite you […]


Moving toward convention

January 6, 2009

[…] the United States and abroad. In earlier conventions, we made decisions to adopt new prayer books, hymnals and teaching materials. All of those shape our faith, for we are a […]


Ecumenical Acronyms

May 26, 2017

[…] Zion AOJDC Anglican-Orthodox Joint Doctrinal Commission ARC-USA Anglican-Roman Catholic Consultation in the United States BCP Book of Common Prayer (Anglican/Episcopal) BEM Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (1982) BoD Book of Discipline (United Methodist) CADEIO […]



March 18, 2003

[…] and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Book of Common Prayer, page 815. The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church March 18, 2003


The Good Friday Offering: 1972-1982

March 14, 2022

[…] the ordination of women to the priesthood and episcopate; second, the adoption of a proposed Book of Common Prayer to replace the book in use since 1928 (this would become the 1979 Book […]


The Great Vigil of Easter

August 3, 2011

[…] may be kept; and a suitable Collect, such as those on pages 288-291 of the Book of Common Prayer, may be said. Genesis 1:1-2:4a – Psalm 136:1-9,23-26 Genesis 7:1-5,11-18;8:6-18; 9:8-13 – Psalm 46 […]


Claiming our Anglican Charism

August 25, 2003

[…] about ourselves as Anglicans. Not long ago, I opened a volume containing the first two books of Common Prayer. The first, published in 1549, sought to offer worshippers a sense […]

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