Jordan Trumble

Sermons and Bible Studies
Bible Study: Proper 28 (C) – 2016
Isaiah 65:17-25 In this passage, we encounter the prophet Isaiah speaking to the Jewish people who have returned from their exile in Babylon. Despite the fact that they were no longer exiled, Isaiah’s audience was not particularly well off. Instead of returning to the sparkling city that was prophesied throughout the Hebrew scriptures, the Jewish […]
Bible Study: Proper 23 (A) – 2014
Exodus 32:1-14 This week’s reading from Exodus takes place in the aftermath of one of the most recognizable Old Testament events: Moses receiving two tablets with the Ten Commandments from God. Yet, we often stop there and don’t consider what happens next. The reception of God’s commandments wasn’t just a triumphant moment when the Israelites […]
Bible Study: Proper 7 (A) – 2014
Genesis 21:8-21 It seems that every night on the news, there is some story involving religion, often a story involving religious intolerance or persecution by one group or another; these stories are a steady reminder that even if most of our friends and family are part of our own faith tradition, the world is filled […]
Bible Study: Easter 2 (A) – 2014
Acts 2:14a, 22-32 This lesson from Acts is a portion of Peter’s speech to early followers of Jesus and echoes the words of Psalm 16, making use of a prophecy/fulfillment motif. Just as the psalmist David wrote of resurrection, Jesus is an example of that promise being fulfilled. But the words and story of David, […]
Bible Study: Proper 28 (C) – 2013
Isaiah 65:17-25 In this passage, we encounter the prophet Isaiah speaking to the Jewish people who have returned from their exile in Babylon. Despite the fact that they were no longer exiled, Isaiah’s audience was not particularly well off. Instead of returning to the sparkling city that was prophesied throughout the Hebrew scriptures, the Jewish […]
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