Sermons That Work

Sermons and Bible Studies
The Son of Man Is…, Proper 7 (C) – 1998
The Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour. The Apocalypse, the end of time, is at hand! We here who on the other side of two millennia from Jesus’ life, death and resurrection of the most part don’t find Jesus’ return to be too compelling a topic. If anything we are probably somewhat […]
Crucifixion. Resurrection. Ascension., Easter 7 (C) – 1998
Crucifixion. Resurrection. Ascension. All of these were very public events as the first followers of Jesus began to form the community we now call the church. Busy, public events are important. But public events are just that — public. On display. Other people are watching, watching not only the event itself, but also people’s reactions […]
This Gospel Text Is Read…, Easter 5 (C) – 1998
This gospel text is read in Eastertide, in anticipation of Jesus leaving a particular place, at a particular time, and a particular group of people. As might be suspected, there was some anxiety about that in his leaving a particular group of people. We can imagine how they must have felt. Life and feelings had […]
Earth Day Selected Sermon
“O Lord, How manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures”(Psalm 104:24) The Endangered Species Act has been an important way that we as a nation exercise our God-given responsibility to serve as guardians and protectors of God’s creation. The Act has helped the recovery […]
Child of God: Child of Water and Child of Wind, Lent 2 (A) – 1996
(Note: This passage is used in Lent, during the period of intense preparation for Baptism. The Book of Occasional Services can provide advice on establishing the liturgical setting, especially if Catechumens are present.) Water and wind. You can’t escape water and wind. From the top of the highest mountain to the deepest part of the […]
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