BLESS Appeal

More from The Church at Work

Webinar: Charting the Course – Episcopal Migration Ministries Update

The webinar provides an update on Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) and its ongoing efforts in immigration work, particularly in light of the anticipated changes under the new Trump administration. The Reverend Sarah Shipman introduces EMM’s mission, which has been rooted in welcoming strangers for over eighty years. The organization is preparing for significant reductions in […]
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A General Convention Primer

What is the General Convention? The General Convention is the governing body of The Episcopal Church. Every three years it meets as a bicameral legislature that includes the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops, composed of deputies and bishops from each diocese.  Why is this coming General Convention, the 81st, important? This General Convention […]
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Bishop Ritonia, wearing a gold mitre and red cassock, at her consecration

A resigned U.S. Marine Corps major, the Rt. Rev. Ann Ritonia is ready for her new deployment

On Sept. 30, Ritonia was ordained and consecrated The Episcopal Church’s bishop suffragan for armed forces and federal ministries. The bishop suffragan is a member of the presiding bishop’s staff and is elected by the House of Bishops. Her charge is to recruit, counsel, and advocate for the more than 100 Episcopal chaplains who serve in the […]
Read More A resigned U.S. Marine Corps major, the Rt. Rev. Ann Ritonia is ready for her new deployment