Public Affairs

New video features Trinity Episcopal Church in Alabama: addressing community foo...

January 10, 2013

Presiding Bishop to visit Haiti on earthquake anniversary

January 9, 2013

Episcopal News Service provides new offering for readers

January 8, 2013

Conciliation meeting slated for January 8, 9

January 7, 2013

Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori calls for prayers for President, US Congress, e...

January 3, 2013

Presiding Bishop in Ramallah: “Are you looking everywhere for Jesus?”

December 31, 2012

Presiding Bishop on Christmas Eve: “A child is born, a prince of peace who wil...

December 25, 2012

The Holy Innocents: Newtown, Washington, and the Way Forward

December 19, 2012

New video presents Advent Lessons and Carols

December 19, 2012

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop to visit American Navy personnel in Italy, to ...

December 19, 2012

Jubilee Ministry grants awarded for Episcopal Church programs and mission work

December 18, 2012

Roanridge Trust Award Grants announced for Episcopal Church innovative leadershi...

December 17, 2012

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop calls for prayer

December 15, 2012

Architect for Haiti Episcopal Cathedral announced

December 12, 2012

Applications accepted for Episcopal Church Controller

December 11, 2012

Episcopal Church Office of Communication offers video featuring seasonal music f...

December 10, 2012

Update: task force members for structural reform

December 7, 2012

The Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe named Episcopal Church General Convention Executi...

December 6, 2012
869 records