Embracing Evangelism: Sessions
Welcome to Embracing Evangelism, a video series on Episcopal Evangelism from The Episcopal Church and Virginia Theological Seminary. Throughout this adventure, we will explore evangelism as a spiritual practice rooted in joy, gratitude, and holy curiosity; a practice through which we seek and speak of Jesus’ loving presence and invite other people to celebrate God’s life and love for them.

Session One: Introduction
In this first session, we introduce the practice of evangelism and explore the importance of growing your own loving relationship with God. We draw on scripture and story in Episcopal Evangelism – the spiritual practice through which we seek, name, and celebrate Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of all people and then invite everyone to more.

Session Two: Seek, Name, Celebrate
As Episcopalians, we promise in our Baptismal Covenant to “seek and serve Christ in all persons.” That is a bold statement of faith! We say that we will actively listen for God’s presence in others – and we dare to believe God is moving in every person.

Session Three: The Great Story and Your Story
Stories are the heart of evangelism, and everybody has one. You don’t need a degree or a collar to share your story; you just need to notice the moments when you’ve experienced God’s loving presence in your life and then to use your words – aloud – to share those stories.

Session Four: The Stories of Others
In this fourth session, we will explore The Stories of Others: why they matter and how to truly receive them and be blessed by them. At the heart of our Christian faith is the Great Story, the collection of stories of God’s creating, redeeming work in scripture, especially in the story of Jesus. We are all part of this Great Story – all made in God’s image, all moving through a world shot through with God. We still need to grow our capacity to seek, name, and celebrate God at work in our own lives.

Session Five: Invite Everyone to More
In this fifth session, we will explore Invite Everyone to MORE: how to be truly curious and open to the Spirit, and how to invite people to discover more with God. None of us just got here on our own. People have shared invitations that kept us walking through the many doors that led us to where we stand today.

Session Six: Go! Discernment and What’s Next
In this sixth and final session, we work on Go! Discernment and What’s Next and practice ways of going into the world to bless and be blessed by others. Lots of Episcopal churches are comfortable with service and compassion for others. However, sharing our faith, being vulnerable, and going public about faith are harder and riskier. Thankfully, the followers of Jesus can take risks together.

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