World Mission Sunday- Feb 15, 2015
Young Adult Missionary Fred Addy at Hogar Escuela in Costa Rica.
World Mission Sunday is an opportunity each year for Episcopal churches to celebrate worldwide ministry, and to think about the implication of our Baptismal promise to “seek and serve Christ in all persons,” (BCP 305). Churches are involved through companion relationships, prayers, giving, advocacy and action, both in their own communities and around the world.
Episcopal missionaries serve as a bridge between cultures and countries, connecting peoples to one another through relationship, conversation and service. The Episcopal Church has long-term missionaries serving in over 24 countries, in dioceses of the Anglican communion as teachers, nurses, musicians, accountants, priests, doctors, agriculturalists, and many more, servants all.
The Rev. David Copley, former missionary to Liberia and Bolivia, and current Mission Personnel Officer for The Episcopal Church said, “We do not ‘do mission’ to or for others. Mission is not an activity in which someone is ‘sent’ and ‘received,’ mission is not the kindness of the lucky to the unlucky, of giving a little out of our excess. Mission is about being in a fully mutual and interdependent relationship, in which we recognize that we are blood of the same blood, flesh of the same flesh… We are invited by God to lift up our hearts, our minds and our very being to connect with our global family.” (Read the full text of Copley’s sermon at: Sermons that Work)
World Mission Sunday Video and Resources
World Mission Sunday Press Release