Young Adult Service Corps

What is your next faithful step?

Applications for the Young Adult Service Corps are now open!

Could serving with the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) be your next faithful step? This ministry is for Episcopalians ages 21-35 who are interested in exploring their faith in new ways by living and serving in communities around the world. Applicants must have a high degree of maturity and possess a faith commitment, the willingness to be a humble guest, and the ability to be an authentic companion. Applications are due Feb. 14, 2025.

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Be Bold in Your Faith

The Young Adult Service Corps is a ministry for Episcopalians ages 21-35 who are interested in exploring their faith in new ways by living and serving in communities around the worldwide Anglican Communion. Applicants must have a high degree of maturity and possess a faith commitment, the willingness to be a humble guest, and the ability to be an authentic companion. Below is more information about the program, application process, and blogs of current YASCers. 

If you have any questions, please contact Mission Personnel Officer Elizabeth Boe.

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Elizabeth Boe

Mission Personnel Officer