Definition of Youth, Young Adult in The Episcopal Church
The canonical definition of adult in The Episcopal Church who has voice and vote at…
Las solicitudes de los jóvenes ahora están siendo aceptadas para servir en el Equipo de Planificación EYE20
Se invita a los jóvenes episcopales a postularse para formar parte del Equipo de Planificación…
Youth applications are now being accepted to serve on the EYE20 Planning Team
Episcopal youth are invited to apply to serve on the Planning Team for the 2020 Episcopal Youth…
Uncharted: Episcopal and Lutheran Young Adult and Campus Ministry Leadership Conference 2019
The Office of Young Adult and Campus Ministries proudly joins the Lutheran Campus Ministry Network…
Ministry with Young Adults
The church spends much time and effort lamenting that young adults aren’t coming to church…
“Voting and participation in our government is a way of participating in our common life…
Se abre la convocatoria para adultos de 25 años de edad o mayores interesados en servir en el equipo de planificación de EYE 2020
Cada tres años, conforme a la resolución 1982-D079 de la Convención General, la Iglesia Episcopal…
Young Adult and Campus Ministry Grant Process for 2019
The Episcopal Church invites applications for grants to assist with Young Adult and Campus Ministries…
Applications Now Being Accepted for Adult Mentors for the Episcopal Youth Event 2020 Planning Team
Every three years, in accordance with General Convention Resolution #1982-D079, The Episcopal Church convenes an…
2019 Young Adult and Seminarian Grant Applications Now Available!
The United Thank Offering Board has made some big changes to the young adult and…
GCOYP: Departing with a Renewed Passion for God
General Convention ended on July 13th, the Official Youth Presence (GCOYP) left on the 12th. My mother, a deputy,…
GCOYP: The House of Deputies is like our second home
General Convention can be intimidating. On our first day on the floor, the Official Youth…
GCOYP: "Una generación apasionada"
Buenas tardes. Mi nombre es Maria Gonzalez, soy de la diócesis de Olympia, y estoy…
GCOYP: "We are part of an impassioned generation"
Buenas tardes. Mi nombre es Maria Gonzalez, soy de la diócesis de Olympia, y estoy…
GCOYP: TEConversations
On Friday July 6 General Convention experienced the first of several joint sessions between the…