End of Year Deadlines for UTO Giving
By Maggie Noland, UTO Vice President for Finance and Archives

Every year we have several folks who forget to send in their UTO funds and are disappointed that those funds cannot be counted towards the Ingathering for the year they were collected. Please take a moment and ensure that all UTO funds have been sent from your diocese or parish; if they haven’t, please get them in the mail as soon as possible but no later than Dec. 15. You must send all check to this address:
The United Thank Offering
DFMS – Protestant Episcopal Church
P.O. Box 958983
St. Louis, MO 63195-8983
If you are sending your check on or after Dec.15, we strongly recommend that you send it overnight to the bank (or if you are sending by Fed Ex, courier or other express mail services). In order to do that, you have to use this address:
DFMS-Protestant Episcopal Church US
#958983 SL-MO-R1LB 3180
Rider Trail S
Earth City, MO 63045
Just a reminder, UTO no longer has a presence at 815 2nd Ave. Checks sent to this address will likely take four to six months to process. At this point, any checks sent to New York will not be counted in the 2023 Ingathering.
Another great way to ensure your gift is counted in 2023 is to donate online. You can do so from a credit card or a direct debit from a bank account. The process to do either is found here.
We are so grateful for your contributions to UTO, and we are thankful for your efforts to ensure they are counted in 2023. Remember that you can send funds at any time, and all gifts are acknowledged the month after they are sent. If you do not receive an acknowledgement for your donation, you can email Heather to check on the status of your donation. Dioceses and diocesan coordinators can request a report of all donations from your diocese in 2023 after Jan. 15.
Thank you for your support of UTO in 2023!