The Great EpisGOpal Race! November Race Information
By Kendall Martin, Episcopal Migration Ministries

The United Thank Offering and Episcopal Migration Ministries are teaming up to bring you the 4th Annual Great EpisGOpal Race! Grab your sneakers, skates, or fins and join together in gratitude to race your way Nov. 20-28.
Building on 20 years of partnership, UTO and EMM are coming together for the 2023 Great EpisGOpal Race. Through this race, we hope to promote the practice of gratitude for our bodies, environments, communities, and neighbors. The funds raised from this race will support EMM’s programs and the 2023 UTO Ingathering. One hundred percent of what you donate and/or pay in registration fees will support this amazing cause.
Anytime between Nov. 20-28, choose your preferred mode and distance and race for good. You can bike a 10K, run a half marathon, or skate a mile—the options are limitless. Let’s race together in gratitude!