James Liggett

The Rev. James Liggett is the retired rector of St. Nicholas’ Episcopal Church in Midland, Texas. He is a native of Kansas and a graduate of the University of Houston and the Episcopal Divinity School. He has served parishes in Kansas, Texas, and Oklahoma and has been a contributor to Sermons That Work since the 1980’s.
Sermons and Bible Studies
For about 1,000 Years…, Lent 4 (B) – 2000
For about 1,000 years, this Sunday, the Sunday in the middle of Lent, has been a little special. Because of the Gospel account of the miraculous feeding, today has been known as Refreshment (or, in Latin, Laetare) Sunday. In the Middle Ages, the penitential disciplines of Lent were relaxed somewhat, there were some provisions for […]
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