Glossary of Terms
New American Bible, The (1970)
The first Roman Catholic Bible translated into English from the original Hebrew and Greek. The work was done by members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America. It was commissioned by the Bishops' Committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. It is authorized by the Episcopal Church for use in worship.
New American Church Monthly, The
This periodical continued The American Church Monthly from Jan. 1938 until Jan. 1939. See American Church Monthly, The.
New Beginnings
A weekend retreat for youth aged twelve to fifteen designed to address spiritual and social needs in this age group. It was developed in the Diocese of Central Florida in the late 1980s. The aim is for those who attend to discover new things about themselves, their relationships, God, and the church. The weekend is […]
New Covenant
The new relationship with God given by Jesus Christ. The new covenant comes with Christ’s promise to bring humanity into the kingdom of God and share the fullness of life with us. In response, we are to believe in Christ and keep his commandments. Love is to be at the heart of our participation in […]
New Directions Ministries, Inc
This program began in 1973 when the Joint Committee on Non-Metropolitan Work of the General Convention formed the Leadership Academy for New Directions (LAND). New Directions Ministries was incorporated in 1981 with an elected board of directors and a part-time trainer/program coordinator. New Directions affirms the basic principle that the church is the body of […]
New English Bible with the Apocrypha (1970)
A completely new translation of the Bible, unlike such translations as the Revised Standard Version which stands in the tradition of the King James (Authorized) Bible. Sponsored by the various Protestant communions of the British Isles, it was produced by biblical scholars who were aided by authorities in English literature. Its purpose was to render […]
New Fire
The fire that is kindled at the opening of the Easter Vigil service. This rite typically begins in darkness. The lighting of the new fire often takes place outdoors for reasons of safety. The new fire is kindled before anything is said. The historic practice of kindling the new fire from a kindling stone or […]
New Hampshire, Diocese of
This diocese was organized on Aug. 25, 1802, at Concord. On May 29, 1810, representatives from the Diocese of New Hampshire participated in the organization of the Eastern Diocese. The Eastern Diocese was not a diocese in the usual sense, but an arrangement whereby several weak dioceses could work together. New Hampshire remained a part […]
New Jersey, Diocese of
Founded on July 6, 1785, at Christ Church, New Brunswick. The 1874 General Convention voted to divide the diocese. The Diocese of New Jersey includes the following counties: Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, Salem, Somerset, and Union (except Summit Township). On Nov. 1, 1930, Trinity Church, Trenton, was […]
New Jerusalem Bible, The
The first English edition of The Jerusalem Bible was published in 1966. It was a translation of the French Bible de Jérusalem, done by the École Biblique, the biblical studies institute at Jerusalem. In 1973 a new edition of the Bible de Jérusalem was published, and The New Jerusalem Bible (1987) is the English translation […]
New Mexico and Southwest Texas, Diocese of
The name of the Missionary District of New Mexico was changed to the Missionary District of New Mexico and Southwest Texas on Feb. 6, 1932. The primary convention of the Diocese was held at St. Andrew's Church, Boswell, New Mexico, Feb. 10-12, 1953. On Apr. 28, 1973, the name was changed to the Diocese of […]
New Revised Standard Version Bible (NRSV)
The latest revision of the Revised Standard Version (RSV) Bible. It was published in 1989 under the authority of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCCCUSA). It was the work of committees of scholars drawn mainly from Protestant churches, but also including Roman Catholic and Orthodox scholars, and a Jewish representative […]
New Testament
The collection of 27 early Christian writings accepted as canonical by all Christian confessions and denominations. These writings reveal the witness of the early church to the Christ event as the saving act of God. They include four gospels (accounts of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection), the Acts of the Apostles, 13 letters ascribed to […]
New Year’s Eve, Service for
The BOS provides a vigil for New Year's Eve, which is the eve of the Feast of the Holy Name (Jan. 1). It begins with the Service of Light from an Order of Worship for the Evening (BCP, p. 109), using the collect for the First Sunday after Christmas as the Prayer for Light. After […]
New York Training School for Deaconesses (NYTSD)
Founded on May 9, 1891, by William Reed Huntington and Mary Abbot Emery Twing, it provided a two-year residential course for women interested in becoming deaconesses, serving as missionaries, or working in Christian education. Shortly after it was founded, a woman's anonymous gift provided a house for the school. This gift was called an “act […]
New York, Diocese of
Organized on June 22, 1785, at St. Paul's Chapel, New York City. In 1838 it was divided when the Diocese of Western New York was established. It was the first diocese in the Episcopal Church to be divided. The Diocese of New York was divided again in 1868 when the Diocese of Long Island was […]
Newark, Diocese of
On Oct. 10, 1874, the General Convention voted to divide the Diocese of New Jersey and form a new diocese. This diocese included the counties of Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Passaic, Sussex and Warren, and the township of Summit in Union County. The primary convention met at Grace Church, Newark, New Jersey, on Nov. 12, […]
Newman, John Henry
(Feb. 21, 1801-Aug. 11, 1890). One of the original leaders of the Oxford Movement in the nineteenth-century Church of England and subsequently a convert to Roman Catholicism. He entered Trinity College, Oxford, in June 1817 and received a B.A. in 1820. Newman became a fellow of Oriel College in 1822. He was ordained deacon in […]
Newton, John
(July 24, 1725-Dec. 21, 1807). A leading Anglican evangelical and hymn-writer. He was born in London and attended school at Stratford, Essex. Newton went to sea as a midshipman in the English navy. He was later the captain of a slave ship. After his conversion, Newton read for orders and was ordained in 1764 for […]
Newton, Joseph Fort
(July 21, 1876-Jan. 24, 1950). Outstanding preacher and broad church leader. He was born in Decatur, Texas. Newton was ordained to the Baptist ministry on Apr. 20, 1895. He then became the pastor of a small Baptist church in Rose Hill, Texas. In the fall of 1895 he entered the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in […]
Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.