An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Glossary of Terms

Micks, Marianne Hoffman

(Apr. 30, 1923-Nov. 4, 1997). Theologian and seminary professor. She was born in Seneca Falls, New York. Micks received her A.B. from Smith College in 1945, and her M.R.E. from Columbia University in 1948. In 1957 she and a classmate were the first two women to earn a degree from an Episcopal seminary. They received […]

Micou, Richard Wilde

(June 12, 1848-June 4, 1912). Theologian and seminary professor. He was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. Micou studied at the Universities of Georgia, Alabama, Erlangen, Bavaria, Edinburgh, and the General Theological Seminary. He was ordained deacon on June 12, 1870, and priest on Nov. 16, 1872. Micou was assistant minister at St. John's Church, Montgomery, […]

Micronesia, Episcopal Church in

This small Episcopal Church is under the jurisdiction of the Presiding Bishop, who appoints another bishop to exercise the episcopate there. Bishops appointed by the Presiding Bishop have been the Bishops of Hawaii, Okinawa, and Bishops for the Armed Forces.

Miles, James Warley

(Nov. 24, 1818-Sept. 14, 1875). Priest and theologian. Miles was the leading intellectual figure of the Episcopal Church in the South in the mid-nineteenth century. He was born on his family's plantation in St. Matthew's Parish, Orangeburg District, South Carolina. He attended South Carolina College (now the University of South Carolina) and General Theological Seminary. […]


The belief that the second coming of Christ will bring a thousand-year reign of justice, happiness, and peace. It is also known as Chiliasm. The term is from the Latin mille, “a thousand.” Millenarianism is based on the description in Revelation, Chapters 20-21. Christ and his saints are to rule for a thousand years while […]

Milnor, James

(June 20, 1773-Apr. 8, 1844). A leading evangelical and an opponent of the Oxford Movement. He was born in Philadelphia and studied law and theology at the University of Pennsylvania. From 1811 to 1813 he was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania. He was ordained deacon on Aug. 14, 1814, and […]

Milwaukee, Diocese of

The clergy in the territory of Wisconsin requested on Apr. 30, 1836, that Wisconsin be put under the jurisdiction of Missionary Bishop Jackson Kemper. The House of Bishops granted this request on Sept. 12, 1838. The Diocese of Wisconsin was organized at St. Paul's Church, Milwaukee, on June 24-25, 1847. On Oct. 8, 1859, Bishop […]


One who shares in the ministry of the church. The ministers of the church are lay people, bishops, priests, and deacons (BCP, p. 855). Christian ministry is based in baptism, and the promises of the baptismal covenant (BCP, pp. 304-305). All Christian ministers are to represent Christ and his church. Each order of ministry has […]

Ministration at the Time of Death

The BCP provides prayers and forms for Ministration at the Time of Death (pp. 462-467). When a person is near death, the minister of the congregation should be notified so the ministrations of the church may be provided. The BCP includes a prayer for a person near death, a Litany at the Time of Death, […]

Ministration to the Sick

A pastoral office of the church. In its basic form the service is an abbreviated eucharist, including a rite for laying on of hands and anointing. The priest may suggest the making of a special confession if the sick person's conscience is troubled. The form for the Reconciliation of a Penitent is used. The BCP […]


From the Latin mini, “lesser.” The term has the same form as the Latin magister, from magis, “greater,” meaning “master” or “teacher.” Ministry appears in the Vulgate translation of Mt 20:26, “he who would be great [Latin, maior] among you, let him be your minister,” translating the underlying Greek diakonos, “servant,” as “minister.” Thus ministry […]

Ministry for Tomorrow

The title of the Report of the Special Committee on Theological Education which was chaired by Nathan M. Pusey. Ministry for Tomorrow was published by the Episcopal Church Foundation. It was informally referred to as “the Pusey Report.” The 1967 General Convention of the Episcopal Church accepted this report which recommended a consolidation of the […]

Ministry in Higher Education

A program area of the Episcopal Church on the national level. It coordinates the ministries of the church in university and college settings.

Ministry of the Word

See Liturgy of the Word.

Minnesota, Diocese of

The Diocese of Minnesota was organized on Sept. 16, 1857, at Christ Church, St. Paul. On July 16, 1862, Bishop Henry Benjamin Whipple laid the cornerstone of the Cathedral of Our Merciful Saviour at Faribault. This was the first Episcopal cathedral built in the United States. It was consecrated on June 24, 1869. The 1895 […]

Minor Orders

Ministries such as porter (doorkeeper), lector, exorcist, and acolyte which were transitory steps that led to the major orders of deacon, priest, and bishop. The minor orders date from at least the third century. Ordination to minor orders in the early church included a commission to exercise the office and the handing over of instruments […]


Described in the NT as powers, signs, portents, and strange things. A miracle is an event in time that is perceived by the senses of those who witness it. Miracles reflect the direct activity of God which transcends the usual order of nature for a religious purpose. In NT times, miracles were not considered to […]

Miriam, Song of

One of the oldest fragments of Hebrew poetry. Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron (Nm 26:59), was a prophetess who celebrated the deliverance of Israel from the Egyptians with a victory dance (Ex 15:20-21). She sang, “Sing to the Lord, for he has/ triumphed gloriously;/ horse and rider he has thrown into/ the sea.” […]


A ledge or rest on the underside of a hinged seat in a choir stall. It was designed to provide “merciful” support for monks or others needing help to stand during long periods of worship. The term is from the Latin for “mercy.” A misericord may be carved or decorated. The term is also used […]


An altar book that provides all the textual materials needed for celebration of the Holy Eucharist. It includes liturgical texts and directions, readings, additional prayers, hymns, and musical notations. This single volume is used by the celebrant who presides at the eucharist. Use of the missal dates from the tenth century. The Roman Missal was […]

2647 records

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.