An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Glossary of Terms

Lay Ministry

The term refers to the many ways the laity of the church live out their baptismal covenant. The laity are the people of the church, those who have been baptized. It generally refers to those who have not been ordained. The term “laity” is derived from the Greek word for “people.” Lay ministry is exercised […]

Lay Order

The laity are the people of the church, those who have been baptized. The term “laity” generally refers to those who have not been ordained. In a vote “by orders” at a church convention, clergy and laity vote separately. An affirmative decision requires a majority of votes in each order to pass. See Lay Ministry.

Lay Preacher

A lay person licensed by the bishop to preach. This ministry is licensed under the provisions of the canon for licensed lay persons. The lay preacher must be a confirmed adult communicant in good standing, and recommended by the member of the clergy in charge of the congregation. Guidelines for training and selection of lay […]

Lay Professional

Lay people employed in the mission and ministry of the church who regard their work as a vocation. These lay professionals see their work as their response to God's call in their lives and have acquired appropriate preparation and training for their work. They are committed to continuing education to improve their skills and to […]

Lay Reader

A lay reader may lead the Daily Offices of the church. If needed, a lay reader may lead the liturgy for the Holy Eucharist through the prayers of the people, concluding with the Lord's Prayer and the grace, or with the exchange of the peace (BCP, p. 407). A lay reader may also lead the […]

Lay, Henry Champlin

(Dec. 6, 1823-Sept. 17, 1885). Bishop of the Southwest, Arkansas, and Easton. He was born in Richmond, Virginia. Lay graduated from the University of Virginia in 1842, and from the Virginia Theological Seminary in 1846. He was ordained deacon on July 10, 1846, and began his ministry at Lynnhaven Parish in Virginia. Lay was ordained […]

Laying on of Hands

A significant ritual action in several sacramental rites. It is an external sign of the bestowal of God's grace through the prayer or the ministry of the one laying on hands, whether for spiritual growth or ministry or forgiveness or healing. It is the action which accompanies the prayer of consecration in ordination rites. It […]

Layman’s Magazine

The first weekly publication in the Episcopal Church, this periodical was edited by the Rev. Benjamin Allen (1789-1829) from 1815 through 1816. It carried church news and stories for lay persons. The last issue available is dated Nov. 7, 1816.

Layman’s Magazine of the Living Church

This journal was published as one of the weekly issues of The Living Church. It was also published as a separate monthly periodical from Feb. 1940 until Sept. 1941.

Le Jau, Francis

(1665-Sept. 10, 1717). Colonial rector and missionary. He was born in Algiers, France, of Huguenot parents. Le Jau fled France when the Edict of Nantes was revoked in 1685. The Edict of Nantes had given freedom to the French Huguenots. He went to England. At some time before 1700 he was a Canon in St. […]

Leadership Academy for New Directions (LAND)

A mission development program for the church in small communities. It is primarily designed to serve archdeacons, rural deans, rectors of cluster parishes, members of diocesan boards or commissions, or others concerned with planning, training, coordination, or supervision in areas having small communities and (usually) small churches. In contrast to the usual demeaning status of […]

Leadership Program for Musicians Serving Small Churches

A joint venture of the Standing Commission on Church Music and the Virginia Theological Seminary. The goal of the program's work is to discover and implement ways to help small parishes in church music endeavors which might lead to more effective, inclusive, and inspirational worship. The Presiding Bishop's Diploma in Church Music is awarded to […]

Leaming, Jeremiah

(1717-Sept. 15, 1804). The first person elected Bishop in Connecticut, Leaming declined to be consecrated because of age and infirmities. Born in Middletown, Connecticut, Leaming was baptized on May 12, 1717, at Durham, Connecticut, as a Congregationalist. He graduated from Yale College in 1745. While at Yale, Leaming left Congregationalism and joined the Church of […]


A book stand or reading desk that holds the book used for reading scripture in public worship. It may also be used for preaching the Word, and it may hold the preacher's notes or sermon text. The lectern where the Word is read and preached is the focal point for attention during the liturgy of […]

Lectio Continua

The liturgical reading of selections of scripture by starting at the beginning of a particular book and working through consecutive readings to the end. This contrasts with selective readings (“propers”) which are chosen for each particular occasion. At the time of the early church, readings in the services of the Jewish synagogue were chosen at […]

Lectio Divina

The term means, at root, the “reading of Holy Scripture.” In Jerome and in the Rule of St. Benedict, it meant the scriptural text itself, the lectio, the “lesson” or reading. In the middle ages it came to refer to the act of reading the Bible, the sacred text, for a sacred purpose. It was […]


See Lesson.


An ordered system for reading the Holy Scriptures at the eucharist and the Daily Offices. It is usually presented in the form of a table of references for the psalms and readings for the various days of the liturgical year, although it may be a separate book containing the actual texts of the readings. The […]

Lectionary Cycle

The Lectionary in the BCP and other contemporary lectionaries use a three-year cycle, referred to as Years A, B, and C. Year A begins on the First Sunday in Advent in years evenly divisible by three (e.g., 2001). The Daily Office lectionary follows a two-year cycle. Year One begins on the First Sunday in Advent […]


A lay person trained in reading scripture who is appointed by the clergy person in charge of the congregation to read lessons or lead the prayers of the people. The term is from the Latin, “to read.” There is no license required for this lay ministry. A lector may also be known as a reader. […]

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Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.