Civic Engagement

Engage the 2020 Census
As an official partner of Census 2020, The Episcopal Church can help make the count as accurate as possible. 132 federal programs plus private businesses, state, and local initiatives depend on Census data for effective distribution of resources, while congressional seats are apportioned according to the Census count.

Take the 2020 Census Online Now!
Research shows that someone is more likely to take the census if they hear about it from someone they trust. Help shape the future of your community by learning about why the census is important and how to encourage others to take it too. Our census engagement toolkit provides pointers for getting the word out and partnering with your local Complete Count Committees.
Why is the U.S. Census so important? Learn more with our Census Series:
- Week 1: Why We Count
- Week 2: Healthcare
- Week 3: Education
- Week 4: Social Safety Net Programs
- Week 5: Businesses & Infrastructure
Watch Presiding Bishop Curry’s message about our engagement with the 2020 Census.
In English: Shape your Future: Census Engagement Toolkit
En Español: Determina tu Futuro
Stay Informed on Census Operational Adjustments due to COVID-19
Reaching Hard-to-Count Communities in the 2020 Census
House Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing, January 9, 2020
Accurate Count: Engage the 2020 Census
Take 30 minutes to watch this webinar on reaching immigrant communities during this 2020 Census.
Election Engagement
Getting souls to the polls isn’t just about casting our own vote, but about working together so we all can vote and vote faithfully. We can empower every voice in our congregations in this work.

“It is a Christian obligation to vote, and more than that, it is the church’s responsibility to help get souls to the polls.”
-Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
2020 Vote Faithfully Election Engagement Toolkit
Learn how you can help encourage voting in your community! New resources will be added to this page as they become available.
From the National Association of Episcopal Schools newsletter: Impacting Your School Community in 2020: Census and Election Engagement
Order your #VoteFaithfully stickers and magnets today! Email us Office of Government Relations.
Resources for Political Conversation
Equip yourself for more constructive political conversations using Make Me an Instrument of Peace: A Guide to Civil Discourse. Help bridge partisan divides, learn from others and enlarge the sacred space for debate.

Make Me an Instrument of Peace: A Guide to Civil Discourse
The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations and Department of Faith Formation, in partnership with ChurchNext, a ministry of Forward Movement, bring you “Make Me an Instrument of Peace: A Guide to Civil Discourse.” This interactive five-part online curriculum offers hope that by using the tool of civil discourse, we can find new ways to love our neighbor.
The course is offered free of charge for the first 2,000 students and available on-demand.
- ChurchNext curriculum Make Me an Instrument For Individuals
- ChurchNext curriculum Make Me an Instrument For Groups
While the full curriculum experience is available on ChurchNext’s website, with discussion forums, quizzes and supplemental material, you can access just the videos here.
The original written curriculum is still available below. Each week includes specific instructions for group or forum leaders, and interactive components including prayers, discussion questions, and activities aimed at utilizing group settings for entering into deeper reflection on the primary themes.
The Office of Government Relations