Office of Government Relations

Human Rights & Peacebuilding

The Episcopal Church supports legislation and policies that protect human rights, prevent atrocities, promote gender justice, and work towards reconciliation around the world. We do so in partnership with provinces throughout the Anglican Communion.

Featured Actions

Support the Equality Act

Webinar: Guantanamo 20 Years on: A Religious Perspective

Peace and Conflict

We call on the U.S. government and governments around the world to find diplomatic resolutions in areas of conflict, and to respect the dignity and human rights of every person. We recognize the unique role that the U.S. government can play in addressing these issues appropriately.


The Episcopal Church has a longstanding policy in support of reconciliation and restorative justice and advocates for sustainable, long-lasting peace. We advocate for a just and peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We lift up the work of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and their mission and life-saving ministries.

Resources for the Conflict in the Holy Land – updated regularly

The Episcopal Church calls for prayers for peace in the Holy Land (10/7/2023)


Since the war broke out in April of 2023, the situation in Sudan has continued to deteriorate. According to a report by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, more than 10 million Sudanese have been internally displaced, and millions more have fled the country. More than half of the Sudanese population is facing acute levels of food insecurity.

In its latest resolution on Sudan, General Convention called on the U.S. government and the international community to pursue a truce and negotiate a peace agreement that would restore a democratically elected government. The Office of Government Relations, working in consultation with the Office of Global Partnerships and American Friends of the Episcopal Church of the Sudans, have been meeting with policymakers and Administration officials to advocate for policies articulated in the resolution.  We will continue to do so in the coming weeks and months.


The U.S government has engaged in a multi-pronged response to the conflict in Yemen. While it supports multilateral efforts to find a comprehensive political settlement, the U.S. continues to provide military assistance to the Saudi-led coalition, including the selling of armaments and munitions to the coalition. We call on the U.S. government to suspend sale or transfers of military articles to the Saudi-coalition and to provide funding contributions for humanitarian aid. 


Northern Triangle: Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador


In 2018, The Episcopal Church voted to readmit the Diocese of Cuba after decades of separation. The Episcopal Church, through official policy, has long called and advocated for both a restoration of diplomatic relations and an end to the United States embargo against Cuba, particularly provisions that hamper the mission of the Church in Cuba like travel and remittances.

Statement on New U.S. Cuba Policy (updated Sept. 2019)


We are committed to supporting reconstruction and sustainable development in Haiti. The Episcopal Church works to address these issues through advocating for improved U.S. foreign policy towards Haiti regarding anti-corruption efforts and election engagement, as well as urging support for food security, climate change mitigation, viable housing solutions, poverty reduction, and gender-sensitive development.

We currently chair the Haiti Advocacy Working Group, a working group of organizations committed to accountable, just, and sustainable development in Haiti, with a particular goal of uplifting Haitian civil society groups.

Speak out to Support Haitians


An Update on Haiti – 3/13/2024

Episcopal Relief and Development in Haiti

Gender Justice

We support U.S. foreign aid programs that prioritize the achievement of gender equality and empowerment of all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The Episcopal Church promotes gender equality around the world and condemns all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls.

Episcopal Church Resources

Urge Congress to Support the Equality Act

Human Trafficking

The Episcopal Church, through General Convention, has long supported efforts to combat human trafficking. The Church supports legislation that protects human trafficking victims, particularly women and children. The Church also advocates for policies oriented to the recovery and reintegration of trafficking victims into society. We urge the U.S. government to work towards solutions to end modern slavery in all its forms and to partner with NGO’s, religious groups, and other governments to ensure we end this violation of human dignity.

As a member province of the global Anglican Communion, The Episcopal Church actively collaborates with international Anglican partners to confront the complex web of challenges around global migration that play a significant role in human trafficking.

Episcopal Church Resources

Partner Resources

Anglican Communion Engagement

The Episcopal Church is the U.S.-based province of the Anglican Communion, the third largest Christian community globally. At the head of the Anglican Communion is the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry is the Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church. We invite global Anglican leaders to visit us and connect with members of Congress and other leaders in D.C. The Episcopal Church also engages with the Anglican Communion through The Lambeth Conference, The Primates Meetings, and The Anglican Consultative Council (ACC).

The Office of Government Relations